HSB Academy HSB Academy
(208) 720-1904 $$$
Quality camps at reasonable prices! I love that the coaches remember kids from year to year and make connections with the kids while helping them improve their basketball skills. The kids enjoy themselves while working hard!
Nov 9, 2018
HSB Academy HSB Academy
(208) 720-1904 $$$
We love these camps and my son has participated in many now. Thank you so much. The only feedback I ever hear from the boys is that there is a lot of talking and they wish they could play more. Thanks again.
Nov 5, 2018
HSB Academy HSB Academy
(208) 720-1904 $$$
“It finally happened! The varsity coach commented on his progress today at open gym! Totally out of the blue :). If only you could of seen him play last season. He had no business playing hoops. Bless his heart for trying. He couldn't hit his butt with 2 hands. I would give the 4 hours at the YMCA this summer 100% credit ?? but we both know it's the Academy's 6 days a week of intense training that is really helping! You and Mike are AMAZING! THANK YOU!
Aug 21, 2018
HSB Academy HSB Academy
(208) 720-1904 $$$
HSB Academy really helped me achieve my dream of playing basketball in college. Literally every facet of my game improved. Mike & Carson truly prepared me for the competition levels that aren't always available here in Idaho.
Aug 21, 2018
HSB Academy HSB Academy
(208) 720-1904 $$$
HSB Academy is in the upper echelon of basketball training on the west coast. The skills, coaching, and individual attention each participant receives is second to none!
Aug 21, 2018
HSB Academy HSB Academy
(208) 720-1904 $$$
My son Griffin is a junior at Nampa Christian. We started using Carson as a shooting coach at the end of last summer. Griffins shot improved dramatically. He is now incredibly accurate and was nominated to the All-Conference 1st Team. Carson was not only a good shooting coach, but an awesome mentor and motivator! Thanks Carson!
Aug 21, 2018
HSB Academy HSB Academy
(208) 720-1904 $$$
HSB Academy has had a profound impact on my life both on and off the court. It gave me confidence in areas I was lacking and taught me that basketball was a game of mental toughness. As a player you can't worry about making mistakes . . . it's all about the next play! The coaches challenged me to improve my character, work ethic, and belief in myself. I am proud to be a part of the HSB family!
Aug 21, 2018
HSB Academy HSB Academy
(208) 720-1904 $$$
HSB is one of the best training clubs in the Treasure Valley. Our sons confidence was extremely low coming out of one of the premier competitive Clubs in Meridian. Carson and Quinney have supported and encouraged our son for him to be comfortable right where he is in his game and have given him the platform to grow and develop the game he is so passionate about. Carson is a fantastic shooting coach and our son working with Carson and Quinney 4-5 days a week has really given him the edge with his peers on an...
May 23, 2018
HSB Academy HSB Academy
(208) 720-1904 $$$
I love the coaches and encouragement I receive. This is the best basketball training out there!
May 23, 2018
HSB Academy HSB Academy
(208) 720-1904 $$$
Best trainer ever!!
May 22, 2018
HSB Academy HSB Academy
(208) 720-1904 $$$
Great training with coach Carson, helped me become a great shooter and taught me many more.
May 22, 2018
HSB Academy HSB Academy
(208) 720-1904 $$$
HSB Academy is a great academy that has helped many young hoopers strive to reach their goals. I, for one, worked with Carson Sofro who is an outstanding coach that helped me in different aspects of my game (including the mental part of the game). I was able to reach my goal of playing College Basketball at Dordt College, an NAIA school in Sioux Center, IA. The academy absolutley represents what is written on its name: Hard work, sacrifice, and believe.
May 22, 2018
HSB Academy HSB Academy
(208) 720-1904 $$$
Carson & his talented staff are so enthusiastic & dedicated! They conducted a wonderful mini camp for our young players I am sure we will see the benefit of their teachings for years to come. A brilliant experience!
May 22, 2018
HSB Academy HSB Academy
(208) 720-1904 $$$
Carson and team are some of the best in the business. They relate well with all ages of kids and teach them a base of fundamentals that translates to their team games. Highly recommend anything HSB does. You won’t be disappointed.
May 22, 2018
HSB Academy HSB Academy
(208) 720-1904 $$$
I like hsb because theyre very motivational and are honest with you when it comes to helping you devolope your basketball skills .
May 22, 2018
HSB Academy HSB Academy
(208) 720-1904 $$$
This group of guys changed my life, they dedicated their time outside of camps to help better me as a person and on the basketball court. I was adopted by this group and have been a part of their family for years.
May 22, 2018
HSB Academy HSB Academy
(208) 720-1904 $$$
We are very pleased. My daughter is learning so much and improving. Highly recommend any of these programs.
Mar 27, 2018
HSB Academy HSB Academy
(208) 720-1904 $$$
HSB Academy is nothing short of fantastic. Carson & Michael and staff expect top training performance from their students, and teach their students that they can perform at their best. They use drills, skills and conditioning, in addition to mental toughness talks and drills to give the best and get the best. This is absolutely a place of Hard Work, Sacrifice, and Believe.
Mar 22, 2018
HSB Academy HSB Academy
(208) 720-1904 $$$
My son has been going to HSB for the last couple of years, he has loved working with Carson and Mike! It has been a great experience and really improved his skills! We look forward to many more years at HSB!
Mar 21, 2018
HSB Academy HSB Academy
(208) 720-1904 $$$
We love HSB Academy. Highly qualified instructors and great skill development!
Mar 20, 2018
HSB Academy HSB Academy
(208) 720-1904 $$$
We have had an amazing experience with HSB!!! We love the coaches and feel the development our child is getting is priceless!
Mar 19, 2018
HSB Academy HSB Academy
(208) 720-1904 $$$
Quinney and Carson are lights out the best.
Mar 18, 2018
HSB Academy HSB Academy
(208) 720-1904 $$$
22 Testimonials
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